

This is a bibliographical site which I maintain for my own convenience, as a one-stop shop for recording new publications and reviews - mainly because it's much more convenient to copy information from here than to have to retype it every time I have to compile another cv or book-list.

Anyone else who wants to is welcome to use it in the same way. Having spent so much time trying to reconcile contradictory bibliographies of the authors I'm interested in, I think the value of a single, authorised list of publications is indisputable. It's not so much conceit as good sense.

- Jack Ross

Powertool Records (c.2007)
[photograph: Scott Hamilton]

  1. Books:

    1. City of Strange Brunettes. ISBN 0-473-05446-9. Auckland: Pohutukawa Press, 1998.
    2. Nights with Giordano Bruno: A Novel. ISBN 0-9582225-0-9. Wellington: Bumper Books, 2000.
    3. Chantal’s Book. ISBN 0-473-08744-8. Wellington: HeadworX, 2002.
    4. Monkey Miss Her Now & Everything a Teenage Girl Should Know. ISBN 0-476-00182-X. Auckland: Danger Publishing, 2004.
    5. Trouble in Mind. Titus Novella Series. ISBN 0-9582586-1-9. Auckland: Titus Books, 2005.
    6. The Imaginary Museum of Atlantis: A Novel. ISBN 0-9582586-8-6. Auckland: Titus Books, 2006.
    7. To Terezín: A Travelogue. Afterword by Martin Edmond. Social and Cultural Studies, 8. ISSN 1175-7132. Auckland: Massey University, 2007.
    8. EMO: A Novel. ISBN 978-1-877441-07-3. Auckland: Titus Books, 2008.
    9. Kingdom of Alt. ISBN 978-1-877441-15-8. Auckland: Titus Books, 2010.
    10. Celanie: Poems & Drawings after Paul Celan. by Jack Ross & Emma Smith, with an Afterword by Bronwyn Lloyd. ISBN 978-0-473-22484-4. Auckland: Pania Press, 2012.
    11. A Clearer View of the Hinterland: Poems & Sequences 1981-2014. ISBN 978-0-473-29640-7. Wellington: HeadworX, 2014.
    12. The Annotated Tree Worship. Auckland: Paper Table, 2017:
      • Draft Research Portfolio. ISBN 978-0-473-41328-6. Paper Table Novellas, 2 (i).
      • List of Topoi. ISBN 978-0-473-41329-3. Paper Table Novellas, 2 (ii).
    13. Ghost Stories. ISBN 978-0-9951165-5-9. 99% Press. Auckland: Lasavia Publishing, 2019.
    14. The Oceanic Feeling. Drawings by Katharina Jaeger. Afterword by Bronwyn Lloyd. ISBN 978-0-473-55801-7. Auckland: Salt & Greyboy Press, 2021.
    15. Haunts. ISBN 978-1-991083-17-3. 99% Press. Auckland: Lasavia Publishing, 2024.

  2. Chapbooks:

    1. Guillaume Apollinaire. Aubade. Translated by Jack Ross. Illustration by Mark Haddon. Edinburgh: Drummond Press, 1987.
    2. Killing Time. Auckland: Perdrix Press, 1997.
    3. Ezra Pound’s Fascist Cantos (72 & 73) together with Rimbaud’s “Poets at Seven Years Old.” Translated by Jack Ross. Auckland: Perdrix Press, 1997.
    4. A Town Like Parataxis. Photographs by Gabriel White. ISBN 0-473-07104-5. Auckland: Perdrix Press, 2000.
    5. The Perfect Storm. Video by Gabriel White. ISBN 0-473-07350-1. Auckland: Perdrix Press, 2000.
    6. The Britney Suite. Auckland: Perdrix Press, 2001.
    7. A Bus Called Mr Nice Guy. ISBN 0-473-10526-8. Auckland: Perdrix Press, 2005.
    8. Love in Wartime. Wellington: Pania Press, 2007.
    9. Papyri: Love poems & fragments from Sappho & elsewhere. ISBN 978-0-473-12397-0. Auckland: Soapbox Press, 2007.
    10. Minotaur. Translated by Jack Ross. Auckland: Pania Press, 2009.
    11. Je donne à mon espoir. Translated by Jack Ross. Auckland: Pania Press, 2009.
    12. The Return of the Vanishing New Zealander. ISBN 978-0-9864507-6-1. Dunedin: Kilmog Press, 2009.
    13. The Argo & The Wahine. Story by Bronwyn Lloyd / Poems by Jack Ross. Auckland: Pania Press, 2009.
    14. Silhouette. Artwork by Bronwyn Lloyd. Auckland: Pania Press, 2009.
    15. Scenes from The Puppet Oresteia. Artwork by William T. Ayton. ISBN 978-0-473-18881-8. Rhinebeck, NY: Narcissus Press / Auckland: Perdrix Press, 2011.
    16. Fallen Empire: Museum of True History in Collaboration with Karl Chitham and Jack Ross. Dunedin: Blue Oyster Art Project Space, 2012.

  3. Edited - Books:

    1. [your name here:] Life Writing. Edited by Jack Ross. Introduction by Mary Paul. ISBN 0-473-09551-3. Massey University: School of Social and Cultural Studies, 2003.
    2. Golden Weather: North Shore Writers Past & Present. Poems edited by Jack Ross / Prose edited by Graeme Lay. ISBN 0-908561-96-2. Auckland: Cape Catley, 2004.
    3. Kendrick Smithyman, Campana to Montale: Versions from Italian. Edited by Jack Ross. ISBN 0-476-00382-2. Auckland: The Writers Group, 2004.
      • Kendrick Smithyman, Campana to Montale: Versions from Italian. 2004. Edited by Jack Ross & Marco Sonzogni. Introduction by Marco Sonzogni. Essay by Jack Ross. ISBN-13: 978-88-7536-264-5. Transference Series. Ed. Erminia Passannanti. Novi Ligure: Edizioni Joker, 2010.
    4. Where Will Massey Take You? Life Writing 2. Edited by Jack Ross. ISBN 0-473-09551-3. Massey University: School of Social and Cultural Studies, 2005.
    5. Classic New Zealand Poets in Performance. Edited by Jack Ross. Poems selected by Jack Ross and Jan Kemp. ISBN 1-86940-367-3. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2006.
    6. Myth of the 21st Century: An Anthology of New Fiction. Edited by Tina Shaw & Jack Ross. ISBN 0-7900-1098-4. Auckland: Reed Publishing (NZ) Ltd, 2006.
    7. Contemporary New Zealand Poets in Performance. Edited by Jack Ross and Jan Kemp. ISBN 978 1 86940 395 9. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2007.
    8. Orange Roughy: Poems & Stories for Tazey. Edited by Bronwyn Lloyd & Jack Ross. ISBN 978-0-473-13179-1. Auckland: Pania Press, 2008.
    9. Home & Away: Life Writing 3. Edited by Kathryn Lee & Jack Ross. ISBN 978-0-473-13539-3. Massey University: School of Social and Cultural Studies, 2008.
    10. New New Zealand Poets in Performance. Edited by Jack Ross. Poems selected by Jack Ross and Jan Kemp. ISBN 978 1 86940 4093. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2008.
    11. 11 Views of Auckland. Edited by Jack Ross & Grant Duncan. Preface by Jack Ross. Social and Cultural Studies, 10. ISSN 1175-7132. Albany: Massey University, 2010.
    12. Leicester Kyle. Koroneho: Joyful News Out Of The New Found World. Edited with an Introduction by Jack Ross. Preface by Ian St George. ISBN 978-0-9876604-0-4. Auckland: The Leicester Kyle Literary Estate / Wellington: The Colenso Society, 2011.
    13. Leicester Kyle. The Millerton Sequences. Edited with an introduction by Jack Ross. Poem by David Howard. ISBN 978-0-9922453-5-1. Pokeno, Auckland: Atuanui Press, 2014.
    14. “We” Society Poetry Anthology. Edited with a Preface by Jack Ross. ISBN 978-0-473-32197-0. “Stage2Page” Publishing Series #4. Auckland: Printable Reality, 2015.
    15. Leicester Kyle. Letters to a Psychiatrist. Afterword by Jack Ross. ISBN 978-0-473-41327-9. Paper Table Novellas, 1. Auckland: Paper Table, 2017.
    16. Mike Johnson. Selected Poems 1977-2022. Edited by Jack Ross. ISBN 978-1-991083-00-5. 99% Press. Auckland: Lasavia Publishing Ltd., 2023.

  4. Edited - Magazines & Journals [34]

    • The Pander 3-9. ISSN 1174-4030 (1998-1999)
    • Spin 33, 36, 39, 42 & 45. ISSN 0113-8227 (1999-2003)
    • brief 24-32. ISSN 1175-9313 (2002-2005)
    • A brief index: 1995-2003 / 2003-2005. ISSN 1175-9313. Auckland: The Writers Group, 2003 / 2005.
    • Landfall 214. ISBN 978 1 877372 93 3 (November 2007)
    • Poetry NZ 38. ISSN 0114-5770 (March 2009)
    • Bravado 19 (July 2010). ISSN 9-771176-339003 [guest fiction editor]
    • brief 50. ISSN 1175-9313 (February 2014)
    • Poetry NZ Yearbook 1. ISSN 0114-5770 (October 2014)
    • Poetry NZ Yearbook 2. ISSN 0114-5770 (November 2015)
    • Poetry NZ Yearbook 2017. ISBN 978-0-9941363-5-0 (March 2017)
    • Poetry NZ Yearbook 2018. ISBN 978-0-9941473-3-2 (March 2018)
    • Poetry NZ Yearbook 2019. ISBN 978-0-9951029-6-5 (March 2019)

  5. Edited - Coursebooks, Monographs & Theses [26]

    • Rowan McCormick, Writers of Passage. Edited by Jack Ross. Preface by Mary Paul, with an Afterword by Eleanor Rimoldi. Social and Cultural Studies, 9. ISSN 1175-7132. Auckland: Massey University, 2008.

  6. Contributions to Anthologies [42]

  7. Exhibitions & Catalogues [7]

  8. Multimedia & Internet [60]

  9. Pamphlets [28]

  10. Poems [150]

  11. Short Stories [46]

  12. Articles [65]

  13. Reviews [136]

  14. Biographical

  15. Chronology & Comments [34 / 77 / 33]

  16. Papers & Panels [158]

  17. Readings & Performances [154]

  18. Reviews & Interviews [52]

  19. Chronological Bibliography [492]

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