
Landfall 214 (2007)

Cover illustration: Emma Smith

Landfall 214: "Open House" (November 2007). ISBN 978 1 877372 93 3. 208 pp.


Jack Ross / Editorial: Rules of Engagement

Tracey Slaughter / consent

Amy Brown / Siamang

Tourettes / The Orphanage for Lost Pets

Jennifer Compton / Broken House

Kim McBreen / I’m Alright

Keith Westwater / Now on at a court/house near you

Katherine Liddy / Two poems

Breton Dukes / The Herd

Gabriel White / Tongdo Fantasia

Jen Crawford / Three poems

Thérèse Lloyd / Three poems

Olivia Macassey / Three poems

Martin Edmond / from White City: The Autobiography of Ernest Lalor Malley

Sarah Jane Barnett / The Drop Distance

Elizabeth Smither / A way of teaching history

Kirsten Warner / Homeboy

Ouyang Yu / The Axis of Exiles: Writing and Teaching between China, Australia and New Zealand

Claire Talbot / Hitlerjunge Quex

Stephen Turner / Make-over Culture and the New Zealand Dream of Home

Stu Bagby / Two poems

Tony Beyer / Autumn in Jerusalem

Scott Hamilton / Mr Chick

Hamish Dewe / Landscape Paintings Always Lie

Paul Millar / Walking with Rush

Michael Steven / Two poems

Richard von Sturmer / Dreaming with words

Robert James Berry / Scheherazade

Sally Ann McIntyre / Two poems

Emma Smith / Kabuki Rain

Bronwyn Lloyd / Sink or Swim

Leonard Lambert / Mystery Channel

Mary Macpherson / The Costume

Michael Harlow / Two poems

Sarah Broom / Monochrome

Andrew Slattery / Lithographone

Ted Jenner / A Miller’s Chaff: Malawi 2004-2007

David Howard / Two poems

Brett Cross / the alchemist’s notebook

Latika Vasil / Sleep

Raewyn Alexander / I feel a garage sale arriving



Sarah Broom / Conversation and Trickery Dickery - Jessica Le Bas: Incognito & Richard Taylor: Conversation with a Stone

Siobhan Harvey / To the Moon and Sun, and Back - Scott Hamilton: To the Moon, in Seven Easy Stages & Andrew Johnston: Sol

Tracey Slaughter / How the Raptures Slip - Janet Charman: Cold Snack & Will Christie: Luce Cannon

Jack Ross / The Need to Gather Stones - Fiona Farrell: The Pop-up Book of Invasions & Geoff Cochrane: 84-484


Jen Crawford / Possibilities at Play - Bill Direen: Song of the Brakeman & Jack Ross: The Imaginary Museum of Atlantis


Scott Hamilton / A Book with No Class - Jane Stafford & Mark Williams: Maoriland

Jack Ross / At the Revival Meeting - Martin Edmond: Waimarino County and Other Excursions

Laurence Simmons / On Reading On Reading - Lydia Wevers: On Reading

Contributor Notes

Matthew Kelly / Gag Time Funnies


The Imaginary Museum

Reviews & Comments:

  1. Richard Reeve. "Landfall - forthcoming issue." Otago University Press. (21/9/07).

    After a number of themed issues, Landfall opens up in a general issue, presenting new voices in poetry and fiction alongside more established writers. Prose writing includes Ted Jenner on Malawi, Stephen Turner on cultural plagiarism and the New Zealand dream of home, Bronwyn Lloyd on doppelgänger suicide, and Ouyang Yu on ‘the axis of exiles’.

  2. Lynn Freeman. "The Bookshelf: Landfall - Open House." Radio NZ National: Arts on Sunday. (2/12/07) [five minute downloadable interview with Jack Ross, available online for four weeks from the date of broadcast].

    JR: "My own feeling is that much more emotional, much more challenging, much more extreme work is becoming more common ..."

  3. Linda Herrick. "Christmas Crackers - Landfall 214: Open House." Weekend Herald: Canvas (8/12/07): 16.

    Guest editor Ross has compiled a diverse range of stories, poems, photos, essays and book reviews which, when you start to read them, are actually a bit creepy. Keith Westwater's poem Now on a court/house near you is an all too familiar three-part inter-generational horror story of domestic violence and child abuse. It's like reading a crime report in the paper. "Tourettes" poem The Orphanage for Lost Pets is about "the stars of last Christmas" who've been dumped by their owners. None of that this Christmas (or any time of year).

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